Вдохновленный спокойствием неба,
сияющий кулон из бирюзы из кварца принесет
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вы носите это.
Бриллиант: – 0,29 карата
бирюзовый кварц: – 3,26 карата
Золото 14k,: – 2,31 грамма
pendan включает в себя удостоверение подлинности компании и гарантийный талон
для получения дополнительной информации, пожалуйста, напишите: – [email protected]
==== ЦЕНА: – от 1590 до 1860 дирхамов ОАЭ ====
Category: | Diamond Pendants , Gemstone Pendants , Pendants , |
Product Code: | b07695 |
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Diamondsdubai.ae was extraordinarily customized as middle east’s online web-store for both local and international residents. we are also further upgrading our website for multi language viewers.The entity works closely with primarily focus on designing and handcrafting of Engagement and Wedding ring for women.
Diamondsdubai.ae was extraordinarily customized as middle east’s online web-store for both local and international residents. we are also further upgrading our website for multi language viewers.The entity works closely with primarily focus on designing and handcrafting of Engagement and Wedding ring for women.
Diamondsdubai.ae was extraordinarily customized as middle east’s online web-store for both local and international residents. we are also further upgrading our website for multi language viewers.The entity works closely with primarily focus on designing and handcrafting of Engagement and Wedding ring for women.