Любовь в сапфировом бриллиантовом браслете – B20046

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Любовь в сапфировом бриллиантовом браслете – B20046 разработан
таким образом, чтобы носить любые функции и партии.

Великолепный бриллиантовый браслет, сделанный с блестками синего
Природные сапфиры и окруженные бриллиантами в скрученной обстановке.

Всего 117 штук бриллиантов и 171 шт.
сапфиры с великолепными финишными работами над Bangle в 18kt
белое золото.

Проверьте информацию о звонке ниже: –
  • Алмазные караты: – 1.80 карат (117 шт.)
  • Сапфировые карат: – 5.35 карат (171 шт.)
  • 18kt Gold Вес: – 36.35 gm
  • bangle включает сертификат аутентификации компании
    для алмазов и сапфиров
  • также можно сделать bangle с различным дизайном
    по заказу
  • For more information contact :- [email protected]

you may also visit us on our facebook page or view our store reviews on our tripadvisor page

Price :- AED  32560

Category: Bangles (Diamonds) , Bracelets , Fetured , Top Accessories , Top Sellers ,
Product Code: B20046

Diamondsdubai.ae was extraordinarily customized as middle east’s online web-store for both local and international residents. we are also further upgrading our website for multi language viewers.The entity works closely with primarily focus on designing and handcrafting of Engagement and Wedding ring for women.

Diamondsdubai.ae was extraordinarily customized as middle east’s online web-store for both local and international residents. we are also further upgrading our website for multi language viewers.The entity works closely with primarily focus on designing and handcrafting of Engagement and Wedding ring for women.

Diamondsdubai.ae was extraordinarily customized as middle east’s online web-store for both local and international residents. we are also further upgrading our website for multi language viewers.The entity works closely with primarily focus on designing and handcrafting of Engagement and Wedding ring for women.

Diamondsdubai.ae was extraordinarily customized as middle east’s online web-store for both local and international residents. we are also further upgrading our website for multi language viewers.The entity works closely with primarily focus on designing and handcrafting of Engagement and Wedding ring for women.

Diamondsdubai.ae was extraordinarily customized as middle east’s online web-store for both local and international residents. we are also further upgrading our website for multi language viewers.The entity works closely with primarily focus on designing and handcrafting of Engagement and Wedding ring for women.

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